
Hello to all of you lovely people! Firstly, sorry for the insane lack of inactivity on my end. I am getting ready to make the move to Scotland for my schooling starting next semester, so I'm sure you can imagine how busy I've been getting all of my stuff together. I have some good news, though! My co-author and half the brains behind this shindig, @TheSquareCheese , has been a saint incarnate and has pretty much finished "The World Turned Upside Down", and once we get a little free time after Hell Week and midterms has passed, we'll be yanking it out of drafts and uploading brand new, much nicer, not nearly as cancerous chapters for you guys. Be sure to drop some love her way because she's a legend and none of this would be done without her.
          	To everyone who has voted and decided to follow me, thanks a ton and welcome aboard. To all of my old followers, I'm ba~ack!


Hello to all of you lovely people! Firstly, sorry for the insane lack of inactivity on my end. I am getting ready to make the move to Scotland for my schooling starting next semester, so I'm sure you can imagine how busy I've been getting all of my stuff together. I have some good news, though! My co-author and half the brains behind this shindig, @TheSquareCheese , has been a saint incarnate and has pretty much finished "The World Turned Upside Down", and once we get a little free time after Hell Week and midterms has passed, we'll be yanking it out of drafts and uploading brand new, much nicer, not nearly as cancerous chapters for you guys. Be sure to drop some love her way because she's a legend and none of this would be done without her.
          To everyone who has voted and decided to follow me, thanks a ton and welcome aboard. To all of my old followers, I'm ba~ack!


Are you going to publish Becoming Miss Lee? I'll so buy a copy! I love that book! Well done friend! 


Thank you. No worries on getting back. People are busy my feelings weren’t hurt 


@AllyseSympson Wow, sorry I just now noticed this. I've been busy getting ready to move and didn't see this until now. My condolences. Well, it may get published one day. My co-author and I decided we'll likely rework it a few times before we even consider it, but I'm super excited to hear that someone would buy it! If we decide to, I'll definitely let you know!


Hello there, everyone, and a hearty welcome to all of our brand new followers!
          As the semester draws to a close and Summer draws near, I'm happy to announce that the co-author of death and I shall be returning to working on our stories again! We've pulled "The World Turned Upside Down" and "My Only Regret" back into drafts and will work on editing and adjusting them in the coming months. I can't wait to show you all what we have in store and I'm so happy to have you all along for the ride!
          - Lizzie


Hi. I hope you're having a great day. I've read your 'Becoming Miss Lee' and I love it. Hope you can check out my mystery/thriller short story, titled 'Beneath You' and give me constructive criticisms. It only has six chapters, just to let you know. Hope to hear from you:) I bid you a happy reading and writing <3


Been a while! 
          First off, hello to all of my lovely new followers and good to see you again to all of my equally stunning old ones! So, a bit of a status update: I know I said that we were going to have new chapters of 'My Only Regret' up for you all a while ago. Well, life happened. My co-author is in college like me, and the two of us have been swamped with papers on top of some personal stuff that may or may not get explained in the next installment of "Hey, Lizzie!". I can't say when we'll have time to start updating regularly again, but once summer hits and we are released from our shackles of school bondage, you should start seeing an influx. 
          Thanks for all of your awesome support that you've been showing our work, and I'm super psyched that "Becoming Miss Lee" passed 100K reads just after New Year's.  We couldn't have done it without you wonderful people!
          - Lizzie


Nathan Hale for life


Lol. My friend is George Washington and she is tortured because I call her Asst. Coach Wash. she hates it so much.


@rainbowmorkie My friends and I do the same thing! Except I'm Edward Rutledge because I'm allegedly too fab for the Continental Congress.


My friends and I all have revolutionary war nicknames and in Nathan hale