
Admin: Turns out I was wrong, there's a lot of work going on, and stuff going on with family, I won't be here for a while, other then to follow back the people who follow me... Sorry guys..


Hey, I know this might seem a little awkward since we don't really know one another and probably never talked, but I want to thank you for the follow (even if it was a looong time ago)! (EEK SO SORRY! I'M JUST GETTING BACK ON! *bows head repeatedly*) Anyways, THANK YOU!!! Oh, and if you ever need feedback on your writing or promos or just wanna talk, I'm here, my dude!


Admin: Hey guys, I realize I don't hang around here a lot with Roma, it's school I believe... Over the summer I have more time, but not while I'm in school, so I may make this account one that is only active over the summer... It's tough so hang on till then,thank you 


Hej, Mister Romano !! :)


@aphfaroes *Whispers* My admin has a little bit of a crush on him...
            Admin: Nej!
            Are you sure? You have a Danish flag in your room, your phone case his the country's you have pictures of him all over your wall, You're part danish, have a Danish fridge magnet... Need I go on?
            Admin: *is bright red* I can't help it!


@TheItalian_Romano Ja. I'd say he's probably the funniest of the other Nordics
            ALSO. Is Admin okay? cx


@aphfaroes Are you talking about Denmark? *Smirks at admin*
            Admin: *laughing nervously and is red as can be*