
Hey guys! I've switched accounts and you can now find me here: @DevilishDetails also I will be switching all my stories over to there but leave them here as well. Have a great day and I hope to see you guys there :~) 


Hello Michael. What kind of books do you like?


@WarrenChua I wouldn't mind at all


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@TheJadedDragon Stephen King is very good. He can describe the most boring shit in the most interesting manner. Since you like sci fi, would you mind reviewing my work?


Hey all you guys! I know I said I was taking a break and all but I had a great idea around midnight so I did some work and got a prologue out to you and working on the first chapter now!! I'm excited for this and I would appreciate it if you guys would go look at the prologue! Thanks! Love y'all and Happy Hunting!!! :~ D


Hi everyone! All of my works will be on hold for a little bit as I finish them up all on one go. I plan on publishing one or both of my ongoing stories. That's the main reason why I'm going to put them both on hold. in the meantime I'd love suggestions on publishing companies who would be willing to accept my stories. Thanks for reading my stories and Happy Hunting!! :~ D