
Hi, thanks for following me, look forward to reading your work and having a chat in the future. Offhand what genre of writing do you favour? 


@Awolfnamedstorm I get what you mean. I have this novel planned out (mostly), but actually putting it down on (digital?) paper is a whole different story. And thanks! I appreciate it. We're getting down to the last bits for the wedding, and I kinda overwhelmed myself with intensive classes this semester. ;w; Oh well. I'll survive.


It has been fun writing it, I can't wait until it is finished though. It is exciting. I understand what you mean about lacking motivation, I was lacking motivation there for a few months, but now I am on a roll with this new story. Hope all goes well with the wedding planning and best of luck with your classes :)


@Awolfnamedstorm Ooooh, sounds fun. I have one in the works atm, but I haven't been able to do much with it lately due to classes and wedding planning. I'll also admit my motivation has been lacking... At least I still write for RPs. Lol.