I was 10 years old sleeping in my pokemon bed when I heard what sounded like glass break I rushed through my room knocking down the pictures of a strange faceless man I had been drawing off of my wall I ran downstairs tripping over my pj pants to investigate the noise when I got to the bottem she saw a bloody scene both of my parents layed there dead I ran over to them crying and hugged there body whispering curse words to myself I screamed as I looked at the broken window and above it in my parents blood read go to sleep I didnt know what to do so I ran into the woods after a while I slowed down and gave up on myself and sat on a log and sobbed I heard a weired static sound and looked around wondering where it came from tears still in my eyes dont cry child a calm low voice said whos there I yelled my voice cracking soon afterwards I felt a tentical wrap around my skinny waste I screamed as I struggled but started to calm down from his soothing words he took me along with him into the woods and I fell asleep in his arms I had a feeling this was probably gonna be my new dad once they got to the mansion he sccared my eye and made me a proxy instead of a mask I chose to put a bandage over my face to hide the scar and my now blind eye (this is bandages story)