
Hello my few but important followers, I've taken a long break and I think i'm ready to upload my two new books + i've been working on an important surprise, it'll be here by next year but I feel I need more readers before I can reveal so I will be having constant updates soon, i'll release the due date of my books within two weeks.


Hello my few but important followers, I've taken a long break and I think i'm ready to upload my two new books + i've been working on an important surprise, it'll be here by next year but I feel I need more readers before I can reveal so I will be having constant updates soon, i'll release the due date of my books within two weeks.


Hurry up and post your book Khaleelah! I wanna read the rest since I couldn't finish it when you gave me the papers. And go on my page, follow me, and read my book please! 


@Joy_Lebron7  Hey joy sorry I took a summer break but hopefully i'll have them uploaded fully by next year, 