To those of you reading my book 'Promise Me', I am so sorry that I haven't been coming out with chapters. I have a decent number already written, but they won't be put on here until I feel ready. First of all the plot for my book is still in question a little bit, and I don't want to have to rewrite a whole chapter once I have it up because something changed. And another reason I haven't been updating is that I'm scared that there will be haters. I've never gotten any hate, and I'm thankful for that. And I am also so grateful for the people that have supported me. But anyway, back to the updates of Promise Me. I will try my best to get the next chapter out by the end of February, but I want to make some things in the plot for sure first. I also have school and a few sports so I usually have a lot on my mind and not a lot of free time in which I feel like writing. And it takes me a long time, usually hours for a single short chapter. Anyway, sorry you had to hear my ramblings, but I just wanted to get this out there for you guys. I'm really sorry for making you wait.