Hi. Head chief @ArimaMary here. I just posted an official farewell in my account and it wouldn't be proper to leave this account without one.
The Inazuma Eleven fandom in Wattpad is one of the fondest memories I have with other people on the internet. Most, if not all of the people who helped me achieve this vision to host whatever we were offering here have moved on with their lives. If not out of Wattpad, then at least to write original fiction. I'm thankful to everyone who contributed to this project assisting with its operations and to all former participants. Thank you for giving your free time to help people who wanted to improve their writing craft. Thank you for entrusting your brainworms to the scrutiny of random people of the internet; this wouldn't have been possible without you. Also, thank you to the people who watched over us; the fact that this account picked your curiosity flatters me to no end.
Just like the characters from the OG season, the people whose profiles you'll find in the About section have grown up, including me. I'm leaving this account untouched, frozen in time, until Wattpad decides to close operations, as all social media are eventually bound to. The same applies to its sister companion at Tumblr. I'm doing this because I want to leave the record of everything that transpired during the three seasons that this project ran. It's the best I can do with the little technical know-how I possess. If you have what I lack, I beg of you to obtain the data off this account and keep it alive somewhere in the internet.
One last thing, in my Wattpad profile (@ArimaMary), I'm leaving breadcrumbs to other parts of the internet where I will be habituating. If you want to get in touch, you know how to reach me.
Sayonara, everyone. Matta ne.