
There is this book I’m working on, it’s personal, not a fic and I’m wondering if I should post it it’s not finished and the chapters are kinda long but


ok so another thing, I'm fully recovered and am in online school, I feel so bad for leaving y'all without chapters for so long but I promise to make it up I really do, I should get back into the groove of things and post some chapters this weekend as usual.


little bit of a thing to say but I've tested positive for covid and so has my mother, fortunately it isn't as strong as it was in the beginning and we are pulling through, my only thing is that the newest chapter of Love is Blind may not be at its "full potential" if you will. My best wishes to all of you, keep reading, keep shipping, and keep idk whatever else you do with your life. I will get this chapter out as soon as I can. 
          love, Valk~


On Love is Blind I’m updating every weekend and I took last weekend off for turkey day, and I’m still not sure about Her Green Eyes I gave up on it for a minute, but I love that you actually enjoy my writing glad to see someone does!