Two new updates! -New chapter in Pride Lands High out now called: ♢~Not You~ ♢ -New episode in Tsunami’s World! coming out tomorrow night at 9:00 PM
@TheLionQueen13 Read the new Pride Lands High chapter and very, very interested in seeing what comes next since it left a lot of questions. [for example, is Vitani actually evil, or are the kidnappers interested in grabbing her, too? I'm also slightly worried about Zuri, because she might be potentially developing Stockholm Syndrome, which would certainly cause problems for Tiifu and Kiara.] Oh, yes, one more thing; when Kiara says "I thought you died in a car crash years ago?" to Kopa, I couldn't help but think to myself, "Hmm, I wonder where that idea came from?" to myself. ;-) If you have a look over on my profile you will see a couple of posts I posted about how my story is currently going; I'm a bit stuck on the latest chapter's dialogue, but I do know I'll be introducing the guys who bully Kion in that chapter. [I'm still looking for ideas as to how they bully him.]