
So... Trump won the elections. Trump. TRUMP?!?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? JESUS CHRIST!!! I GIVE IT 6 MONTHS OR LESS BEFORE AMERICA FALLS INTO DEVESTATION AND HALF OF YOU GUYS LEAVE TO CANADA OR SOMEWHERE ELSE BETTER! I mean I ain't even American and I still feel horrible for your future, and the future of others, particularly Muslims and Mexicans (God bless you guys). 
          	Trump's resemblance to Hitler's Nazi party is uncanny. I can't even begin to, nonetheless want to, imagine what America and the rest of the world is in-store for with him as a leader and 'presidential figure'.


So... Trump won the elections. Trump. TRUMP?!?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? JESUS CHRIST!!! I GIVE IT 6 MONTHS OR LESS BEFORE AMERICA FALLS INTO DEVESTATION AND HALF OF YOU GUYS LEAVE TO CANADA OR SOMEWHERE ELSE BETTER! I mean I ain't even American and I still feel horrible for your future, and the future of others, particularly Muslims and Mexicans (God bless you guys). 
          Trump's resemblance to Hitler's Nazi party is uncanny. I can't even begin to, nonetheless want to, imagine what America and the rest of the world is in-store for with him as a leader and 'presidential figure'.


Someone please help. 
          Thanks to Wattpad I've now started shipping Lawlu (Law x Luffy) and Lapidot (Lapis x Peridot). I would have never stepped into that vast area of ships but now too late, I'm obsessed and I've been adding books after books based on both of them D: I mean hey I ain't complaining but I think I might have gone overboard -_-
          Also I'm now obsessed with Spamano (Spain x Romano) from Hetalia. I've been watching the anime non-stop but I'm hooked XD I think I found my new OTP besides PewDieCry :D


Thanks for voting on my story, lovely! ^u^


@JunipersHollow "JohnLock is love, Johnlock is life~" XD The two of them together makes the cutest, yet most intriguing and fascinating couple in my opinion :'D