When It's Time
Time flies by faster than anyone can fathom. A day turns into a week, a week turns into a month, a month turns into year and a year turns into a decade. Everything we could hold dear at a point in time could be gone in the blink of an eye. So many moments pass us by, and we wish we could hold onto the good moments a little longer. For me, I have longed for a moment in my life that feels as if it will last for eternity. A moment I can never forget. A moment in time where I belong. But for that, I need a person, a person I can hold close, and have them tell when it's time. When it's time for me to never forget. When it's time for e to find my home. When it's time for me to move on. That person holds the key to giving me that moment and directing me through life. But for now, I must wait. Wait for when it's time.