
All Of This
          	I know of it now. Everything inside my heart. Inside my mind. Deep inside me. All of this I know, I know this is what I want. All of this. I want all of this.


When It's Time
          Time flies by faster than anyone can fathom. A day turns into a week, a week turns into a month, a month turns into year and a year turns into a decade. Everything we could hold dear at a point in time could be gone in the blink of an eye. So many moments pass us by, and we wish we could hold onto the good moments a little longer. For me, I have longed for a moment in my life that feels as if it will last for eternity. A moment I can never forget. A moment in time where I belong. But for that, I need a person, a person I can hold close, and have them tell when it's time. When it's time for me to never forget. When it's time for e to find my home. When it's time for me to move on. That person holds the key to giving me that moment and directing me through life. But for now, I must wait. Wait for when it's time.


Down There
          Down there I feel at home. Down at the tracks. Down in the field. Down in the parking lot. My home. I am prone to wandering. Prone to going where my mind dwells. My home is everywhere. Down at  the pool. Down the street. All by lonesome. My home is anywhere. Anywhere but home.


Lose This Skin
          We were young, or so they say. We were together, or so we thought. I was imprisoned, trapped by your undying need and hate for me. I need to be alone. I needed to lose what I once knew. We grew older, as we always do. You came, day in and day out, to see me. I turned you away. I remembered the pain I once endured. I no longer wanted to be your captive. Then you never appeared. I never saw your twisted face. You were gone. For good. I had finally done what I dreamt of: Lose this skin.


Stand By Me
          I never had much. I never had many who would go to the ends of the earth with. I was never able to place trust in others. I never had anyone to care for. But all I ask, all I have ever wanted, is you to stand by me. To help me keep the wolves at bay. To have someone to pick me up, dust me off and set me on the right path. Stand by me.


Down And Out
          Standing has never been so hard. Fighting has only gotten him deeper into his demons. He has given up now. He's sick of crying. All he dreams of is dying. His thoughts collide and produce his final moments. Not glorified, buts just. Lying down has never been so easy. Giving up has relieved of him of his pains. Numbed the world he has grown to abhor. His final moments are soaked in tears and blood. Not just, but desperate. He is down and out.


No Hero
          I'm no hero. I'm no savior. I'm no messiah. I'm deep into my hells as much as any person. I only had the courage, or stupidity, to kick it. I still have my demons. They still linger. And I aim to help as many people as I can. That doesn't make me a hero. I'm no hero.


Echoes And Dust
          The walls are cracked. The room dark. The windows shattered and the floor scuffed. The forgotten laughter of children fills the halls. Echoes fill the outside as an unfamiliar silence is slowly draped over this abandoned and haunted place. The memory is stained in your mind like the water marks on the cracked tile. The cool air adds an eerie feel to the place. Amidst the echoes and dust we cling to this as our home. The embodiment of our dying hears. Echoes and Dust. This is our home.


Just Another Memory On A Shelf
          Memories. Some are good. Some are evil. We build our lives around them. Or we spend our lives running from them. We never realize what memories are. We will never understand the true nature of memories. We create the. We cherish them. We run from them. We stare blankly at our memories. Both good and evil. All while they are just another memory on a shelf.