i went this morning to the church. on my way out there was a table with people, relatives of a dead man, handing to the other people of the church bags with goodies inside. i took one home and opened it. first thing i realised, there were no kóliva (dish based on boiled wheat that is used liturgically in the eastern orthodox church for commemorations of the dead) and realised that although it wasn't in the bag, the relatives of the dead person were giving them separately, for whatever reason. in the bag however there were still 3 other sweets and i went for the one with waffle and chocolate. the moment i was unwrapping it, it fell from my hands on the dirty floor of my house. i had to throw it in the trash of course
if the missing kóliva and the dropped chocolate waffle ain't god trynna save me from getting diabetes, then i don't know what it is. if i make frappé (cold coffee) with sugar and milk and i drop it or spill it too, imma take my hands off sweets for the whole day XD