
7 Days till Christmas! Can't wait....


Or 5 days (not counting Today & Christmas Day) According to my brother....?


Hi! Was just wondering how you manage to make such breathtaking covers... I mean, honestly! I LOVE THEM!!! And you seem kinda busy nowadays, so I get that this isn't the best timing... But I would love to talk to you sometime!! Other than that, have a lovely day!! ❤️❤️


Hi can I please have book cover 15? As soon as I saw it I pressed the like button since I'm a major selenator. Also I love the vibrant colours. 
          Title: Wanna Go For A Ride? 
          Sub title: It's just a wild chase; he's Tom and I'm Jerry. 
          Author: Kaddiekay-2 
          And I don't feel like there should be ANY changes since this marvellous cover should stay as it is. It would we wonderful if I could have it, if not that's okay. 
          Thank youxxx


Hello! I commented on an earlier photo on your pre made covers book. Very impressed with all of your work! I'd like a cover for my book of course! I'd love to give further details and such but would like you to respond first! Please when you find the time. And don't get your knickers in a twist- I do ask politely! I swear on the queens crown! Any way..... Please contact me soon! Love your work and wish I had similar technological gifts as yourself! Now I must go before my mum has my arse on a platter for being up! Have a good day.


Hahaha, I wouldn't mind making you a cover at all, however right now I haven't been feeling so great, can I message you later some other time so that we can work things out? (: 


Hi guys! So it's been forever since I've been on (other than reading) and for those of you who follow me and have requested a cover, please let me know! I have over 60 messages full of requests. 
          All my pre-mades have been requested by several people and I'm not sure who to give the covers to..... I'll most likely have some sort of contest. Maybe?
          Everyone with cover requests I will message to make sure they still want them, if so I will make the cover. 
          Please be patient, and I'm sorry for the wait.