
Hi everyone. I'm slowly reintegrating back into the writing world finally. I know that I've been gone for a while and I feel like it's important to share my experience because if I can help just one person to know they're not alone in mental health, then I will know that putting this out there was worth it. I am writing a collection of poetry throughout my journey towards a better frame of mind and positive mental health. This piece of work is very different from my others and brutally honest so please be warned that it contains strong themes of mental health.


Thank you so much! It’s good to be returning 


@TheLostWanderer01 so happy you are back!! You were truly missed!!;)


saying hiiiii and hope your mental health is better


Hi @florenzig92 thank you so much for checking in, I'm getting better and finding new ways to become a healthier version of myself. I'm also returning to writing, my current focus is 'love me louder' so that's helping quite a bit!


at a better place* ... i obviously can’t speak 


Hi everyone. I'm slowly reintegrating back into the writing world finally. I know that I've been gone for a while and I feel like it's important to share my experience because if I can help just one person to know they're not alone in mental health, then I will know that putting this out there was worth it. I am writing a collection of poetry throughout my journey towards a better frame of mind and positive mental health. This piece of work is very different from my others and brutally honest so please be warned that it contains strong themes of mental health.


Thank you so much! It’s good to be returning 


@TheLostWanderer01 so happy you are back!! You were truly missed!!;)


Hi everyone, I know I'm currently on hiatus but I've had a few messages about my future return and thought it's about time you had some answers. 
          Firstly I want to thank you all for sticking by me and sending me positivity and such kind messages. Your continued support, votes and comments on my works brings me a joy that I can't quite articulate other than to say, I truly am grateful for each and every one of you who take the time to read what I write. 
          Secondly regarding my return. As a writer a lot of what I write is purely fiction, made up from the depths of my mind but in this instance I feel that it's important for me to be real and honest with you all. For a few years now I've been battling mental health issues and this year it felt like I was losing that battle, writing became something I could use to help me but I have a tendency to turn the things I love into things I depend on to simply be able to breathe and function daily, a habit I knew wasn't healthy for me. As a result, I realised I couldn't recover on my own and needed a bit of help and thanks to that I'm now in a better, healthier frame of mind. I've returned to writing and hopefully I'll have new content coming in the near future as well as edited versions of previous content. 
          And finally, my social media. For those of you that were following me on twitter you'll have noticed that my social media twitter account no longer exists. For me personally, taking time to push my content on social media felt draining and it detracted from the real reason I wrote which was because of passion and all of you readers! I admit, I miss engaging with my readers but please feel free to comment on posts here, I do read them and I'll try and reply. 
          Once again, thank you all for being so patient and kind. Your positive messages, enquires about my return and the fact you even follow me as a writer have all helped me get back on my feet. 
          Lots of love and hugs, Ena x


happy to hear you’re in a better place. mental health is so important! secondly, welcome back and missed your work terribly ♥️


@TheLostWanderer01 Happy to hear your doing much better! Don’t give up the fight and please remember you are never alone!! We miss you and I wish you nothing but the best !xoxo


In addition to the above post I just want to say that for those of you out there who are dealing with mental health issues please know you're not alone. If you think it's becoming too much for you and you can't go on then there are places and people that can help, and there is absolutely no shame in reaching out because YOU ARE WORTH IT. 
            Ena x


Firstly thank you so much for the support, it really means a lot to me! Secondly, Howl and AAL have been removed whilst I edit/finish them because it felt unfair to have given you all only 50% of what I could have. I’m still writing but at the minute I’m on a hiatus whilst I get myself back to a healthy place in my life ❤️ 


What's happening in 2019? 
          An Alphas Love: (Series)
          2019 will bring more chapter releases, but it'll also be the year we say goodbye to Rick and Kee's story (NOT their characters). 
          Within AAL there's been so many characters that I want to give their own books and so this story will branch off into a series that will have books focused on various "ships" or characters and their journey. 2019 will see the start of Maddox and Carter's story so keep an eye out for this! 
          Maximoff & Farrow (MARROW) Fanfiction: 
          I've had a blast writing the fanfics that I've already done and I continue to do so, following Tangled Like Us i'm sure I'll post a lot more MARROW fanfic because I'll have more inspiration than I currently do. Also I have noted all of the requests people ask for so you'll be seeing these in 2019 too! 
          His Love: 
          I started this story because I couldn't get it out of my head and I hope to pick it back up in 2019 so there will be more chapter releases coming. 
          2019 will also see more chapter releases for HOWL and our werewolves Dylan and Elijah, I know I've been requested for them this year but I've focused on An Alphas Love but with the end in sight, this will be a story I focus on in 2019. 
          (I hope to either finish Howl or His Love in 2019 too! but I haven't decided which just yet!) 
          A note to readers:
          Thank you for sticking by me so far, this year has been huge for me in terms of writing. I've watched my work go from having an audience of 2 to being viewed and read by hundreds and then thousands so thank you so much! I also appreciate everyone who has followed me both on Wattpad and Twitter and who interacts with my writing, I love engaging with you and hearing readers thoughts. 2018 has been big, but here's to 2019 and what's to come! - Ena x