
After a while I updated Maid for the bad boy so if you are interested check it out!


Ahoj, ráda bych některou z Tvých básní zveřejnila na, kam píši Chvilky poezie. Bylo by možné napsat mi k sobě nějaké info, které bych tam mohla vložit? Zde je ukázka medailonku s básní, které jsem zpracovala.
          Můžeš mi napsat i na email:
          Díky a přeji hodně zdaru v tvorbě. 


          How are you doing?
          I don't know if you are taking reading requests but if you like and time permits then do give my books a read. I have published four books which are completed. Hope you give them a try.
          Stay safe.


@ReaderDisha I am sorry I did not have time for a long time but I hope that this week will be more freely and I would have time to look at it.


@ ReaderDisha  I will look on it


Thanks for adding "A Kiss Across Borders" to your reading list.


@TheLucy13 Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the rest of "A Kiss Across Borders" and as soon as I'm done taking a break from the Open Novella Contest, I will be continuing "Wolfville High," (I saw you added it your reading list as well, thank you again). 
            "Wolfville High" will be a longer book, at least 50,000 words; it's different in tone than "A Kiss Across Borders," but I hope to make just as fun to read. And after that, I'll take a little break from writing Contemporary stories to try a write an Epic Fantasy. That will be new territory for me, so we'll see how it goes :)


            It has been a day since I decided that I am tired of reading the same unoriginal cliche stuff so I tried to find stories which are not seen as mine. I know how happy you are because this feeling made me feel my first comment here. 
            You have very good narrative style and what I like most about it is that it makes you surprised  every time.


@TheLucy13 Thank you so much. My writing goals are to get something good out there, and I'm always happy when someone enjoys what I've written. Thank you so much for your kind comment.


Hi TheLucy13 ! Thank you for starting my story ! I hope you'll enjoy reading it^^


@cupcakes-lover I found out about wattpad by some trailer on youtube. When I signed in I did not think about reading in czech I started in english. Then just after year I got spontanneous idea: try to write on wattpad. I write before but it is true that I am very less self-confident and when it is about my work or doing I cannot praise myself. I wanted to know what others think. So I started writing it in english without any preparation I just type in first idea in my head. I did not want to use my ideas I had I do not know why.
            Thank you so much this means so much to me. I know that my english is bad because even in czech I am making very dificult sentences and this habit comes into other languages I study. I think that I know enough words and grammar to describe story but I choose sentences which are dificult to construct correctly.
            Thank you.


I've read your first chapter and I think your idea is interesting. However, as you mention, you are not a native English speaker and it makes it a little difficult to understand because you don't use the right words (for example captivated means mesmerized by something, fascinated and you want to say something like sequestered or imprisoned, detained, confined in a room...) and you also keep going from the past tense to the present to tell the story. Why didn't you write you story in your own language? Why did you choose to write in English? To reach more people maybe? (which I understand). 
            BUT all I say is from my personal opinion so I can be wrong and you should keep on writing no matter what if you enjoy it. What matters is what you like and love to do.


Sorry. You wrote it in your presentation!