Hi I just published a new book it's titled LYING LOW its a must read really, I have good reasons to believe you would find it interesting, pls do check it out
@TheLuluChronicles Ah. I get that. It is one of the reasons why I have so much trouble reading or trying to edit my old writing from the 1990s. I read it and I go "Damn, this is poorly written and the plots are shyte." The prospect of re-writing anything from that time period just feels like torture to me. If I could I would just hire someone else to rewrite/edit them... But even that wouldn't fix the plots. So my older writing is basically a lost cause.
@CharlesMoffat wow thanks for the information it's really helpful but sadly I stopped cause I would look back on my writing and when I read it myself I didn't like it would criticize it lol
@TheLuluChronicles Oh.
Is it a time management thing? I have made huge progress in the last 3 years in managing my time. I have a toddler in the house and he keeps me very busy, so it forced me to rethink how I manage my writing time. I now use deadlines, a To Do List, and I don't get distracted by new ideas for stories constantly.
I published a possible chapter for it in with my short stories. Do you think you could look at it? Also, are you going to try writing another book or finishing this one?
@Guinevere13 I didn't even know I had a writing style lol. I stopped cause I didn't think what I was writing was good so I would probably say just complete the book no matter what cause at least even if u aren't completely happy with it u have something to show ur work
It’s kinda funny that everyone likes their child to be expressive but as soon as we reach adulthood having that level of expression is look down upon world is strange