Hey there,
sorry, I only just stumbled over your 2 year old message.
I started reading the story you asked me to but quite honestly: I did not like it very much.
Here is why:
The things that I look for in a story are first and foremost :
a) Is the English used impeccable or is it full of grammatical errors? Is it eloquently written?
b) Is the plot a good one? Is it plausible, believable, realistic ?
c) Is the author able to get me hooked, intrigued ?
d) Does the author manage to make me feel like a fly on the wall while reading? Is he/she able to describe scenarios so well and is he/she able to convey feelings so realistically that it makes me feel as if I was right there, right in the middle of it?
Does it feel real and is Michael described true to his character?
e) Last but not least: Is the story elaborate or just sloppily put together and full of unrealistic drama or immature content?
If anything of the above mentioned negative things applies I am not likely to like it.
So, with that being said you know how I feel about it.
I am sorry, but it isn’t my kind of story.
Best wishes