
Hello everyone! Happy to announce that the Future Plan has finally been updated! So sorry for the long wait! I re-written it over ten times and finally settled on something. 
          	Like I said in my last post, this chapter will handle some tough topics of child SA and I wanted to treat it with as much care as I could. We don't go deep in detail, but as someone who was SA'd as a child, I know the smallest things can be triggering. 
          	I thought writing this story would help me heal from my past trauma, even though mine is nowhere near anything Max went through. It turns out though it was harder than I originally thought and it opened some old wounds that I wasn't quite expecting. 
          	Even so, Max and I are working through our childhood pain together and it's healing to take that journey with him, even if it's not the same. 
          	Read this chapter with caution if mentions of SA of any kind triggers you, as well as human trafficking. They are both really dark sensitive subjects and I wish anyone in those situations a safe way out of them. 
          	Be safe and I love you all so much. Thanks for being patient with me. I don't deserve you.


Hello everyone! Happy to announce that the Future Plan has finally been updated! So sorry for the long wait! I re-written it over ten times and finally settled on something. 
          Like I said in my last post, this chapter will handle some tough topics of child SA and I wanted to treat it with as much care as I could. We don't go deep in detail, but as someone who was SA'd as a child, I know the smallest things can be triggering. 
          I thought writing this story would help me heal from my past trauma, even though mine is nowhere near anything Max went through. It turns out though it was harder than I originally thought and it opened some old wounds that I wasn't quite expecting. 
          Even so, Max and I are working through our childhood pain together and it's healing to take that journey with him, even if it's not the same. 
          Read this chapter with caution if mentions of SA of any kind triggers you, as well as human trafficking. They are both really dark sensitive subjects and I wish anyone in those situations a safe way out of them. 
          Be safe and I love you all so much. Thanks for being patient with me. I don't deserve you.


The Future Plan keeps getting delayed and I'm really really sorry about it. This chapter has a lot of sensitive talk about child SA, and as a survivor of Child SA myself I want to make sure it is treated appropriately and respectfully. 
          I will hopefully have it done in a couple days but I just want to take every precaution to handle the topic correctly. 
          Thank you for understanding. 


Good evening everyone! Here's a quick update and a cute little blurb. The Family Plan will be updated Friday night. Just giving it some last minute touches. 
          In the meantime, I was looking through my phone notes and I found a really sweet blurb that I wrote years ago about Alec, from Magnus's point of view. I thought it would be fun to share it all with you here. 
          Alec Lightwoods’ smile was like the sun hiding behind clouds. Occasionally his lips would quirk up slightly, acting like beams of light peeking through a stormy day. That was beautiful in its own way, but god, when he full-on smiles, those rays burst through those clouds and brighten up the entire world.
          Like the sun hiding behind the clouds, Alec didn’t believe it when I told him he shines. 
          I once said “your smile could light up the whole universe.”
           It wasn’t until I was laying in bed later that night when I considered perhaps instead of lighting up the whole universe, he was really just brightening up my own. Because it was true. Alexander Lightwood was the sun of my universe, the very core of my earth. 
          Just like the real world, if that sun ever stopped burning, my earth might just implode around me. 
          What would I ever do then? 
          Not sure what headspace I was in when I wrote this, or why I even did, but I really like it. Maybe it will get added to a story someday. It'll be like a easter egg for you guys to find or something like that. 
          Love you all! See you Friday night for the TFP update!


Hello everyone. Letting you know that The Future Plan's chapter is possibly going to be a little delayed. Had the goal to have it finished today, but it may end up being finished in the next couple of days. Needed to rework a few things in the chapter. 
          Good news though! I uploaded the Late Christmas Special in The Family Plan book, so if you were interested in reading that, it is now available. Something to hold you over until the Future Plan is updated. 
          I hope to have The Future Plan story done by the end of June or July, but we will see how things go. Want to start working on Alec and Magnus focused stories again real soon. Have a really good one in mind already. 
          Thank you as always for the support and again, hope to have the Future Plan chapter out very soon for you all.


Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a good day or night. I am planning to update Born to Endless love later on tonight/next day early morning, as well as The Future Plan no later than this Friday night. That being said, I want to get your opinion on something. 
          You may remember that a couple years ago I announced that I was making a Christmas Special for The Family Plan. Well I didn't finish it in time for the holiday in 2022, and got busy and forgot in 2023. 
          I found the document last night and re-read it. I don't usually say this about my own work, because I don't think I'm that great of a writer, but guys, I cooked with this Christmas special. It is both hilarious and heartwarming and blends in perfectly with The Future Plan. 
          My question to you is, do you want me to upload this special chapter now, or wait until Christmas of this year? I know reading about Christmas in April is a little strange, but the chapter is really a lot of fun and I feel like you guys would love all the cute Malec moments in it, as well as all the warm fuzzy family moments. 
          Either way, I will be uploading the chapter to the original Family Plan book. It's up to you guys on wither that is in the next couple of days, or in December. I feel like the chapter gets into Max's mind space nicely, which is good context to have for the Future Plan, but I will leave the choice up to all of you. 
          As always, I love you guys so much and thank you so much for all the support over the last few years. Sorry updates have been close to none, but I am planning on changing that now with my new Job and schedule!


@TheMalecPrincess I would LOVE to read more about one of my favourite AUs of my favourite Family!! If it’s ready I would LOVE to read it in April!!!


If it’s ready then please upload it.. 


@TheMalecPrincess I think you should update it. It doesn't matter if it's Christmas or not. It'll be fun to read.


Well, I quit my toxic as hell job today. Been working myself to death for the last five years and finally had enough of it. 
          The good news though is that means I can get back to writing books. Looking forward to it. I missed making stories for you all. 


@TheMalecPrincess excited to read them!!❤️


@piadreamer Thank you! Been having a tiny fit of writers block but am back and ready to go! Planning on having the next chapter of Born to Endless Love out Tomorrow and then hopefully The Future Plan out on Friday!


@TheMalecPrincess can't wait to read your works ❤️❤️


Hello everyone! Long time no see! I am so sorry that it's been almost a year since I last updated. As I said back in January, I was in the hospital with really bad Pneumonia and because I have terrible asthma it just seemed to be getting worse and worse. I am just now starting to breathe regularly again. With my health back in order, I should be able to get back to writing  my stories now. I have probably lost a lot of you, which is fair, but I hope you guys will come back and at least finish Future Plan or Born to Endless Love. I have some little Malec one-shots planned as well. Just small ideas I wrote down while in the hospital, nothing big. I really missed you all and I am so excited about continuing our journey of story telling together. Love you all so so much and will talk to you soon!


Hey! Hope everything is ok! Been missing your stories! Sending hugs and love!!


It’s good to hear that, your health is back in order.. and we missed you too… n welcome back 


Thank you for reaching out! I have been in and out of the hospital alot this year but I am finally getting back on my feet. I am actually planning on getting back to updating at the end of July.  


So happy new year to you all. Some of you may be wondering what ever happened to that Family Plan Holiday special that was planned? 
          Well I was in the hospital with pneumonia at the end of December and almost the whole month of January, so I wasn’t able to finish it in time. 
          I am still planning on uploading it sometime this week in case you are still interested in reading it. I hope you do, it’s really cute and funny.
          Hope you all are having a better beginning of the year than I am. Really really hope to update more this year. Fingers crossed!
          Love you all and thank you always for your patience. 


@TheMalecPrincess sending hugs and update  when you can . 


@TheMalecPrincess very interested to read it but your health is more important.. get well soon and sending you all wishes.