Chapter 10: Apex Predator has been published! It was a marathon of writing to get this done in time, and have the art pieces ready to pretty-it-up a bit. It is an intense chapter. "Chapter 11" is actually already complete and edited, as this chapter ended up being too big for one single release (5500~ words).
I will get it published within the next day or so, or maybe later tonight if I get an itch to do some art. The art is all that is holding up its release. I don't like how bare wattpad is, so I feel the art helps break things up a bit and adds a little seasoning to the dish, so to speak.
That said, this will likely be a week two-chapter week as I work on that second piece and then begin drafting the next chapter.
There is a ton of action happening for the foreseeable future, and then we will get to a point where we get to investigate, do some archaeology, and build characters more and more.
But first some folks gotta get messed up in the battle that has only just begun.
Thanks. <3