
Shared a tiny page from Virigold's journal in Memories and Mata. Might make it a thing of its own, not sure. May publish it here, may not. Experimenting.


After 11 weeks of consistent updates, I have finally hit a wall. I need to take a break from the story at hand to brain storm, reflect on feedback, and find my muse again. The plot itself is laid out ahead of time and I know where things are going and when the major reveals will come, as well as where and how.
          I like to inject content and depth into each chapter. To do less would provide brief chapters with little substance. So I'm going to take a week or even possibly two to mull over my story as well as fulfill obligations to the communities I am a part of here.
          See you all in Vigil's Rest soon.


@TheMataman You go for it! No apologies. That's part of writing.


Breaks are vital sometimes. I hope your muse comes back to you soon. Take care! ^^


Good luck! Take as much time as you need :)


Chapter 11: Battle of Vigil's Rest has been published.
          I am experiencing some burn-out. Chapter 12 is currently one page deep, and while I know where the story is going, I have to confront the blank pages beyond. We'll see how that goes.
          Also: Thank you to the Hiraeth Book Club for helping me make this story the best version it can possibly be. I received so much amazing, actionable feedback with what worked, what didn't work, and more. In the future I will be able to go back and use all that feedback to edit and clean up everything I've written.
          Thank you so much.


Automancer has been published. It is a short story drafted within the constraints set by a contest. I really didn't care so much for the contest as I did to have the excuse to write about the automancers.
          These are a breed of folks using mata in a more gladiatorial way and inhabit the same universe as Memories and Mata. Pretty brutal. You might enjoy it. Dunno when I'll get to bring the automancers into the plot. At least not until book two with any significance. So here is a peak into some of the seedy-underbelly-ness of the world.


@JoanneMacarania Thank you. That was super kind of you. <3


That sounds cool! I’ll have to check it out :)


Updated the Art & Glossary chapter to include a couple of things folks recommended. I'm most excited to share art of Carn "The Red Lioness". If you've read chapter 10, you'll understand what it is you're looking at.
          Also added entries for memory stones and servitors under "mata".


Chapter 10: Apex Predator has been published! It was a marathon of writing to get this done in time, and have the art pieces ready to pretty-it-up a bit. It is an intense chapter. "Chapter 11" is actually already complete and edited, as this chapter ended up being too big for one single release (5500~ words).
          I will get it published within the next day or so, or maybe later tonight if I get an itch to do some art. The art is all that is holding up its release. I don't like how bare wattpad is, so I feel the art helps break things up a bit and adds a little seasoning to the dish, so to speak.
          That said, this will likely be a week two-chapter week as I work on that second piece and then begin drafting the next chapter. 
          There is a ton of action happening for the foreseeable future, and then we will get to a point where we get to investigate, do some archaeology, and build characters more and more.
          But first some folks gotta get messed up in the battle that has only just begun.
          Thanks. <3


Looks like Chapter 10 is going to be early to late Tuesday, which is still within my personal deadline. Once it is up, that means I will have added two chapters in one week (prologue and 10). Which is no easy feat, given the integrity of length and content I try to put into each chapter.
          It is going to be close. I don't quite have a full draft ready for chapter 10, but in about 3-4 pages I should be there. Then I can begin editing and final clean-up. And then graphics.
          Guess I'll just hold on to my butt.