
Hahaha so I was AWOL forever and now I'm back so here's a new poem hahaha please don't yell at me


Okay so since you're the author of Rainbow girl I want to share two things:
          1) I was at the bus stop the other day and a girl came up and stood a few meters away waiting for the same bus.  Her hair was almost like the one on your title page! and guess what? Her name's Scarlette.  Just one letter off ahaha
          2) last month I was fishtail braiding a bracelet for my youngest sister.  It reminded me so much of your cover (again) like oh my gosh!


@TheMessOfADreamer hahahaha who knows, maybe? *winks*


OMG! That's so cool! Maybe I've met Scarlette in a past life and that's what drove this character...