
My name is Dominique and I am 19 years old. My passion is writing and I hope if you are here then you either share this passion with me or have a desire to read great stories! Please have a look at the things I write and tell me what you think. Hopefully you will enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

The Author
  • England
  • JoinedApril 27, 2016


Stories by Dominique Michaela
Desire by TheMidnightScribe
Short Poem. "Heart pumping, ears drumming"
ranking #146 in ears See all rankings
A Walk in the Night by TheMidnightScribe
A Walk in the Night
A short story. I wrote this after being given the task of finding an article and imagining what happened eith...
ranking #72 in stabbing See all rankings
You by TheMidnightScribe
Short Poem. What I see when looking a someone beautiful.
ranking #133 in description See all rankings
1 Reading List