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I had a dream about the Grammy's last night which is crazy BC I don't watch the Grammy's. Anyways, all of the artists were sat close by the stage, but three singers, beyoncé, Madonna and another that I can't remember, were sat far behind in the darkness of the audience with no one sat near them. Madonna made a comment about how they were the black sheep of the industry, and Beyoncè went 'mhm'. Well, the third artist was like 'no, me and Madonna are the black sheep, Beyoncè supports a raging sex offender'. Beyoncè was like 'you're just jealous, bitch'. Anyways, they continued talking about how they were the outcasts, the misfits, untill the announcer guy was like 'And the Grammy goes to Beyoncè' and she stood up, Madonna saying 'traitor'. While leaving, Beyoncè said 'I guess I still got some fight left in me. See you later, hoes' and she strode to the front of the stage, gave a big speech and then was shocked when no one clapped for her. Madonna yelled "Hah, bitch! No one cares for your senile ass!" And Beyoncè said 'Likewise, whore'. It was crazy.