
          	I’d just like to say Happy New Years Eve!!! 
          	Thank you for all your support! I have a few things to tell you all.
          	 #1. I don’t think I’ll continue The Tutor Job. It is OFFICIAL. My heart isn’t in the story, I have so many ideas for different stories and I feel so uninspired, for the Tutor Job. I’m sorry I’ve dragged this out for so long, I should’ve ended it sooner than later. 
          	 #2. Work has been taking a toll on me. Now I’ve been thinking, instead of just deleting the whole story in general, if any of you are interested in adopting “The Tutor Job” or if you want to work together on the story, I’d be more than happy to work with you!
          	 #3. I’m gonna be honest with you all, I’ve had lots of regrets this year, of just putting things off and letting myself go (like really far from where I want to be!) this coming year I’d like to change a lot of things. But I’m going to need your help.
          	 #4. I want to talk to more people on here, get to know readers and writers better so that I can be motivated and motivate others!! 
          	Now if you’re interested or have any questions, in these things feel free to DM or PM me, we can discuss everything more in depth!!
          	Thank you all again for your dedication that has given me motivation!!


          I’d just like to say Happy New Years Eve!!! 
          Thank you for all your support! I have a few things to tell you all.
           #1. I don’t think I’ll continue The Tutor Job. It is OFFICIAL. My heart isn’t in the story, I have so many ideas for different stories and I feel so uninspired, for the Tutor Job. I’m sorry I’ve dragged this out for so long, I should’ve ended it sooner than later. 
           #2. Work has been taking a toll on me. Now I’ve been thinking, instead of just deleting the whole story in general, if any of you are interested in adopting “The Tutor Job” or if you want to work together on the story, I’d be more than happy to work with you!
           #3. I’m gonna be honest with you all, I’ve had lots of regrets this year, of just putting things off and letting myself go (like really far from where I want to be!) this coming year I’d like to change a lot of things. But I’m going to need your help.
           #4. I want to talk to more people on here, get to know readers and writers better so that I can be motivated and motivate others!! 
          Now if you’re interested or have any questions, in these things feel free to DM or PM me, we can discuss everything more in depth!!
          Thank you all again for your dedication that has given me motivation!!


Hey everyone sorry I've been MIA. I know I haven't updated 'The Tutor Job' in forever. I've been swamped with work and school is starting soon. Plus I have a few more trips that are coming up. Hopefully I'll be able to update soon!


So my iPod is finally dying on me (which is terrible), I think I dropped it one too many times, and instead of cracking I think the inside was getting messed up over all the times I dropped it. 
          I usually used it to check my Wattpad notifications, cause it would show everything (unlike my tablet) anyways if I don't reply to any of your comments, I probably haven't seen them! 
          Thank you all for your support!!I