
Hey guys! I know I'm not super active anymore but I have a friend who's writing an All Time Low fanfiction so if you guys are interested, please click this link and give her some love! Thanks so much!


Hey guys! I have this friend who's pretty new to wattpad and she started writing this story. I think you guys should really check it out if you have the time. She would really appreciate it! Thanks so much!


@ohfuckreally No problem. I hope people read it! It's quite good!


Hey Elisha! It's Crystal from ur school. I didn't know u had a wattpad till u told us today in class. Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and say hi and follow u and stuff. If u ever have the time, feel free to check my stories. Still working on them though ;P anyway, bye


@acrystalizedparis Oh! Hey! Thanks for checking out my profile. I will definitely check your stories out and follow you! I would tell you that you could check mine out too but I doubt you'd have any interest in my fanfictions. But, if you do, feel free! :D


Hey guys! I know that I've been absent on Wattpad for awhile but that's because I have been writing a real book!!! I wrote and finished and published a book guys! It's available for purchase right now at or for those of you in the UK, . I'm not sure if the first link works in the UK but if it does and you'd like to buy, could you please use that one? Thanks so much! I'm so excited right now guys! Please please support me if you enjoy my writing. Thanks again! I love you all so much <3 <3 <3 :* :*


GUYS! I know not many of you know this but I have been uploading videos to my YouTube channel quite a bit lately! If you want, you can check them out at I really hope that if you do check them out that you subscribe and like the videos you watch! Thanks so much! xx TheMonkeesForLife


So sorry to see another one of the world's greats, David Bowie, pass on today. I loved him so much and am devastated by his passing. My heart goes out to all that are hurting today, just like me and to his family.  I hope they can get past this dark, dark day. xx TheMonkeesForLife