
Sorry, but I'm changing the names even more because I want a clearer distinction between Arlellian and Theese names. 


I realized that Inferior unintentionally contains the names of many old politicians (Kennedy, Jefferson, Hamilton, and soon Harrison). To keep readers from thinking there's a significance in this, Kenny is now Parker, and Nick's last name is now Herault. Jefferson's name is still the same, as is the previously mentioned upcoming character's, Harrison.
          I apologize for any confusion this may cause for those who have already started reading.


What is this I see? Updates? As in more than one?
          You make me look bad. You go girl.


@-tigerlily Two in one week! I'm blowing my own mind. ;) Yeah, I thought that your account looked a little silent (though I see a story at 1k. What? Yes!). Come on! The people need their stories!


I just looked at my last update, and boy was I silly. It's like I don't even know myself. Pssh, I don't update frequently.
          All seriousness, I am trying to be more diligent about updating at least somewhat more frequently. I know that I haven't been very good about that.


Really want to update Inferior. I've decided to make it my final project for my Creative Writing class so that I'm forced to work on it in school every day, so hopefully that'll speed up progress. I finished Chapter 3 but didn't like it, and I'm very much a "quality of quantity" person, but I still apologize for the wait.