
Happy New Year. I have made plans for this page. I have started the hard task of rewriting The Master's Pet. It will not be put back on this site. Wattpad has broken my trust. I've been fighting them all this year to bring back my book. Since they refused I am moving Patreon. When I have enough chapters written I will post the link for you to follow me there. As for the rest of my books I will keep them here. If they get removed as well then it is what it is. I might finish Origins just to have it done, but there are no promises. I hope you all have a good New Year. -Luna


@TheMoonlightPoet I can't wait to read the masters pet again I miss it so much its a really really good book... I'm sorry they took it down and you are fighting with them to try get it back thats not on ya know... keep up the great work luna 


Happy New Year. I have made plans for this page. I have started the hard task of rewriting The Master's Pet. It will not be put back on this site. Wattpad has broken my trust. I've been fighting them all this year to bring back my book. Since they refused I am moving Patreon. When I have enough chapters written I will post the link for you to follow me there. As for the rest of my books I will keep them here. If they get removed as well then it is what it is. I might finish Origins just to have it done, but there are no promises. I hope you all have a good New Year. -Luna


@TheMoonlightPoet I can't wait to read the masters pet again I miss it so much its a really really good book... I'm sorry they took it down and you are fighting with them to try get it back thats not on ya know... keep up the great work luna 


I am so sorry they did that to you Moonlight it's completely ridiculous. I have read and reread your master pet series and your other stories so many times these last 11 years it's just hard to believe they'd do that. I hope that if you do move sites please let us know where to so we can so be there with you 


This post will be me offering the export I have for The Master’s pet but you must read and listen to the warning I’ll provide 
          This work belongs and only belongs to Luna 
          there will be no reposting on any site nor will you distribute it due to the lack of trust I have with people 
          I don’t know if they will post her amazing work and claim it as their own so please respect that wish of mine and I’m sure of Luna’s as well
          If you don’t listen I can immediately remove this link regardless of what you say or plead
          I’m a writer myself I know how much work goes into any type of writing and I will not let people destroy or claim something as their own when it is not
          As such what you do will have consequences please remember that this is a reward in a sense and I will take it back if you abuse it 
          If Luna sees this and demands it to be taken down then I will do such I hold nothing but respect for this person and their works as such I trust you to hold that same respect 
          Before I provide this link do as Luna says regarding this link
          I do understand she is trying to get it back from Wattpad so if the recover is successful this link shall be immediately removed upon notice of the successful recovery 
          I have the link in 1 form and that is the form I’m providing it as 
          Take it or don’t 
          Don’t ask for me to export it in any other form cause I won’t
          Luna if you request it to be Exported in a new form please contact me at Discord (my user: _drazik_ ) and I shall provide whatever you need for your story if I can 
          (I can’t share the link here so add me on discord and I might provide the story for y’all but please reread this warning and do some thinking of your intentions before asking if I sense bad intentions you won’t get it)


@TheMoonlightPoet I understand that and will respect your wishes but I figured it would still be nice for you to have so you could have the old version to edit and change but I won’t give it to anyone else as per your request I hope wattpad doesn’t take any more of your stories down since they are amazing and I hope everything goes good for you 


@MarryLShadow I would prefer that it doesn't go anywhere else. I was going to change parts, add, and elaborate on the story. The version you have would not be accurate to my vision anymore. 


Hey author I exported your book some time ago due to this fear and I have the EPUB for it still if you would like to recover the Master’s pet book
           (Ps. I absolutely love all your works and how you write is amazing I’m sorry you have to go through this if you ever plan to write or post again I hope it’s somewhere that treasures your work) 


@MarryLShadow could I also please get access to this book?? I'm a respectful veteran here on wattpad, downloaded since the beginning in 2012. I really enjoy this authors works and was crushed to see it removed. 


@MarryLShadow i ofcourse i would never repost the story anywhere, ill respect it as the authors wishes 


          Attention readers 
          If you're not enjoying a story, consider simply moving on to something else.  Reporting it won't necessarily bring about change and could even hurt the author's efforts.
          -Taking down or reporting a story on Wattpad feels like a slap in the face to authors who pour their hearts and souls into their work, even when they're battling illness or facing challenges.
          - Imagine the dedication it takes to write a story, even when you're feeling under the weather.  Reporting a story feels like dismissing the effort and passion that went into creating it.
          - Authors often write to escape their own realities, to bring joy to others, even when they're struggling themselves.  Supporting their work, even if it's not your cup of tea, is a small way to show appreciation for their dedication.    
          • EVERYONE you can repost this message to your own account to aware  the readers ......


So, it has come to my attention that Wattpad has removed my first book The Master's Pet from the site. The reason being it went against the community guidelines. They gave me no warning or notice before removing it. The story is not even in my drafts. It's just gone. For anyone that has followed me for a long time you know I am an improve author. None of the chapters are written down on paper. They exist only on this site, so this is a devastating blow to me. I am in complete shock that they did not give me notice to adapt the story to their guidelines, or unpublish it so I could edit. It would have been the right thing to do.    
          The appeal has already been made, and I am working fast to protect my other stories. Origins is not even finished yet, and I am not sure I want to continue it on this site. I have been on Wattpad since I was a teenager. I've always trusted this site, and now that trust is destroyed. If they give me my story back I will be thankful, but I will move it to a secure file. I was coming in to edit the story anyway because there were things about it that I did not like anymore. This is also a combination of readers reporting the story because they did not like the content. That is why the comments were censored on the book. My thinking is the reports became too much, and Wattpad decided to take action in the worst way possible. 
          So this is what I will do. I am moving all my stories to a protected file just in case Wattpad removes them or my account. That way I will still have them, edit them, and in Origins' case finish them. For now I think the only safe story is the recent one I've been working on, but it too will be protected just in case. I'm not sure what the future holds for me on Wattpad, but if it is the end hopefully I can get these stories out to you in another way. 


@user49198261 I saw other posts where they already sent you the file, nevermind!


@TheMoonlightPoet I have a copy!!  Tell me your gmail and I'll send it to you!