
Alright, so I should have something new soon. I'm now working on a short story adaptation of a scene in Beowulf, being told from the point of view of Grendel's mother. It's for school, but I think it's good enough to be shared with all of you. I should also have a new poem up by the end of the weekend. This time, it'll be a rewrite of the Catholic "Lord's Prayer", with a very prominent anti corporate-power-abuse theme. Thank you for all being patient!


Alright, so I should have something new soon. I'm now working on a short story adaptation of a scene in Beowulf, being told from the point of view of Grendel's mother. It's for school, but I think it's good enough to be shared with all of you. I should also have a new poem up by the end of the weekend. This time, it'll be a rewrite of the Catholic "Lord's Prayer", with a very prominent anti corporate-power-abuse theme. Thank you for all being patient!


To my followers, I apologize for not putting any new work out in the past few months, and hardly ever updating. The reason for this is because I don't write short works too often. I'm currently working on a full book with a tentative release date of December of 2015, and I promise that it will be worth the wait. Though, I assure you, I will have some new poems out soon. Also, I've been focusing a lot on my music and working on an EP, which I hope to have released in the next few months. I'm currently working on some demos for it, and making sure it's of the best quality I can possibly make it. For now, stay tuned! Thanks!