this message may be offensive
This is one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
So, today we were doing our math, (We as in me and my brother) and of course we got notebooks to write down things. My brother is sitting next to me and I'm flipping throw pages to find a blank one. My brother loves big gaming Youtubers like, Vanossgaming, H2ODelirious, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and so on. I'm flipping throw pages, and I've noticed that me and my sister have just drawn random things in this book. So, I flip to a page, and my reaction is 'Holy shit, fuck, god, no' It was a drawing of Mark and Jack, with Septiplier written on it, in a panic, I quickly turn the page, and see H2OVanoss. So, in a another panic, I flip it over, and go to the last pages to find a blank on. I look over at my brother, and my mom, who was sitting on the couch with our, blushing like crazy. They didn't seem to notice, but my god that scared and embarrassed the shit out of me. I will blush every time I think of that moment.