
We are just getting started folks!


Hello Ms. Multiverse here, I have read about your bio @Mr. Zeppo and I am actually wondering on what kind of fan fiction the multiverse guild would create
          (e.g. science fiction, fantasy, anime, mix of anime and cartoon shows, etc.)
          And does this guild have a system in interconnecting various stories? Or how the making of a series work?


@TheChickenTwin911 PS there is room in the Multiverse for almost any kind of original story or fanfiction, and yes we have a system and process for integrating and connecting stories together into the network of all the other stories. 


@TheChickenTwin911 oh it's an original, thank you for the clarification...
            Keme-anyway thank you again


@TheChickenTwin911  the setting for the Multiverse is an original one. To get a feel for it read MrZeppo's first book- "Zero Hour".  
            More information on the structure of the Guild will be posted soon.


The Guild is Recruiting
          Cover Makers!
          Are you passionate about making Book Covers? Want to draw sketches for chapter headers and in-line media? 
          Also interested in helping  the  writing development process on a team for one of the many series the Guild is creating? 
          Then post a comment here! 
          The guild is looking to recruit active Wattpad members interested in collaborating with a diverse group, to create exciting, engaging multi-media stories with an interesting twist.
          Join us, and make covers for these new exciting series!


I'm interested to join for your multi-media book covers. My real passion is more into fine arts and I also do know how use photoshop quite bit. You can contact me or send me to this email: 


Have you guys done an origin story on The Incorrigible MrZeppo?


@TheSmorfglobin  and sort of... but also not yet exactly. He has more than on origin back story. You'll see. Hang tight.


@TheSmorfglobin thank you, bold soul!
            We will review your stories as soon as possible!


@TheSmorfglobin I would like to be a writer or/and editor if that's okay.


Thanks for following me! If you read any works of mine, I hope you enjoy them! :D
          - Avery 


@mtndewforlife01 PS that doesn't mean we won't add you... if we read your work and want to pitch you a collaboration... if you like that sort of thing


Oh, that's alright! Thanks! :D


@mtndewforlife01 forgive my fumble... I accidentally followed you here instead of on my main Author account - @MrZeppo
            I should be following and reading your works on that profile! This one is for a rather specific project... sorry for any confusion


The Guild's Founder, @MrZeppo, will be making time to read your works this week. He will be on the look out for stories that might be a good fit for being included in the Multiverse! If your book appears on the the list "Guild Reads" it means that MrZeppo believes your book and your voice should be a part of the Guild's Multiverse of stories. (If for any reason you want your book removed from the Guild list, please DM the Guild directly)
          If you want him to read a specific book, please post a direct link to that book here! Be sure to mention if you want MrZeppo to post constructive criticism in your book's comments, or if you prefer to receive his critique privately in DM.
          MrZeppo is always kind and direct in his critical commentary. 
          And he welcomes anyone & everyone to critique his books.
          Thank you for your support,
          The Multiverse Guild 


          Thank you for being the very first followrs of the Guild's profile. Hopefully you are here because the idea of collaborating with a team of Wattpad Authors genuinely appeals to you!
          Please note- this account will only follow the accounts of Guild Members. This is simply to keep things tidy and organized. If you are merely seeking a "follow back", you have come to the wrong account. But please feel free to follow us and any/all of the Guild's Memebers. As individuals, they will decide if they will follow your account or not.  
          But if you are serious about being considered for membership in the Guild - follow this account. Then, step two is simple - read the already published stories by existing Guild Authors.  
          A moderator for the Guild will be sure to connect with you about membership. 
          Please feel free to post or DM  any question.
          The Guild.