Hello Ms. Multiverse here, I have read about your bio @Mr. Zeppo and I am actually wondering on what kind of fan fiction the multiverse guild would create (e.g. science fiction, fantasy, anime, mix of anime and cartoon shows, etc.) And does this guild have a system in interconnecting various stories? Or how the making of a series work?

@TheChickenTwin911 PS there is room in the Multiverse for almost any kind of original story or fanfiction, and yes we have a system and process for integrating and connecting stories together into the network of all the other stories.

@TheChickenTwin911 oh it's an original, thank you for the clarification... Keme-anyway thank you again

@TheChickenTwin911 the setting for the Multiverse is an original one. To get a feel for it read MrZeppo's first book- "Zero Hour". More information on the structure of the Guild will be posted soon.