
Guys, I've decided to have someone co-write IGTGFA with me. 
          	I haven't been able to organize my thoughts enough to do that story solo. 
          	If you're interested message me and I'll give you a few questions and things. It'll be grand.


If I haven't personally thanked you for fanning, I'm sorry!
          I'm a bit scatterbrained. 
          I'd like to say that I genuinely appreciate all 16 of you. :) 
          Thank you for fanning me, and tolerating my rubbish updating schedule. 
          I'm currently hand writing the next few chapters in class (yay for extra credit and productivity!) 
          It shall probably be up after April 13th. 
          I'm sorry I'm bad with updates, it just takes me awhile to focus on things. 
          Forgive me? 
          Thanks guys <3 


So, I read my story...  It's wording is redundant, and it irritated me greatly. 
          I'm going to put the story on hold for awhile so I  can 1) edit it and 2) get over Jayy hitting shawn.  :\
          I'm going to work on ABNA though. I have it almost completely finished....but its typed on my kindle.