
It's funny looking through art from the mind of someone else, that's what I see looking back at all my messages and stories; a lot of friends, a lot of emotion, all worth it


My profile DOES NOT mean I'm not going to be writing and posting here, it only means out of sentimental value I'm leaving my older stories and poems the way they are to memorialize the events and people that created them (no I didn't steal or take them, they were however inspired by many people both living and gone) 
          This one goes out to you guys I'll miss you mother fire trucker, yes I still remember and I truly wish you would've stayed but you had to go and you better be ready for rant if I see you again


Anyone reads my new poem please leave me your feedback I'd very much appreciate it, that poem comes from a different place and I'd like to know if I should continue with its style, this is literally the first real poem I've written in 2 years period and I'd like to know if I've I guess increased my standard as far as poetry is concerned


Feel free to pm me if you've got any questions or anything, I know I've fallen out of touch with some of you and I'd like to repair that, as much as I can thank you all so much for being beside me even if I could speak back its helped a lot knowing your all behind me


First new anything in 2 years it's been a long time coming and explains for the most part why I was gone and why I'm back, thank you all for your amazing support especially those who've stuck by this long I'll never be able to repay that kindness but if you look hard enough you'll find a piece of you in this new poem


Been a pretty good year but it sucks after counting all the people that haven't made it to here, all the friends that I can't share all this with, this one goes out to you guys, I know I haven't been around but regardless of all that I love each and every one of you, thank you for all the talks, thank you for all the time, and most of all thank you for all the smiles and laughs I'll always miss you guys, hope your watching all this and looking out for all of us.


I'm back, sorry for the extremely long wait, issues came up and constant moving interfered a lot, so hopefully I can get back to writing and intend to finish all the stories I've started, thanks for waiting and if any of you are concerned about my stories there will be massive revisions and improvements soon thanks for all the reads and likes, even more so for adding any stories or poems to your reading lists it's really appreciated