
What do you guys think about a horror/marvel mix. I kind of want to challenge myself


If mermaids did exist, wouldn't they be the ugliest human like beings on earth? Think about it, if a human lived underwater, gravity won't take as much effect on them therefore they will become bloated, overweight and with sagging features? And of course they can't just limit what they eat cause they need to eat a lot to create enough fat(better yet, blubber) to keep them warm in freezing cold ocean waters and to be able to have enough strength to swim.


@RileyJordan8628 Yes but in order to adapt to the ocean, mermaids need to use the effects of gravity to their advantage. Think about this, if you put your hand through water without cupping your hand first, the lack in surface area will not allow them to swim efficiently. Therefore things like skin will sag (like it does to humans)  blubber will form to create a larger surface area and to compensate to the way they use their bodies for swimming. And this fat will also protect them from getting things like hypothermia which effects humans due to lack of stored fat or fur. I get that they eat seafood, probably a mix of fish and seaweed (since we are omnivorous, unlike most of the rest of the ocean). But that does not dismiss the fact that they need to eat a lot to sustain an enormous amount of blubber like a whale.


@TheNinjaKitsune no because mermaids aren't exactly human and their bodies would be different and adapted to the conditions of the ocean and there still is gravity in the ocean because things sink and float but since their fish people then the fish part will help them survive like a normal fish and they'd probs eat seafood since its the ocean.  : )