
I'd like to apologize for the unannounced hiatus I am currently taking. I have been super busy with school and extra-curricular activities lately, and while I have been working on the next chapter, it is not anywhere near completion as of now. Again, I apologize, and I'm hoping things will calm down a bit for me soon so I can find time to really sit down and write. Thanks for sticking with me, love you all!! ❤❤


I'd like to apologize for the unannounced hiatus I am currently taking. I have been super busy with school and extra-curricular activities lately, and while I have been working on the next chapter, it is not anywhere near completion as of now. Again, I apologize, and I'm hoping things will calm down a bit for me soon so I can find time to really sit down and write. Thanks for sticking with me, love you all!! ❤❤


I just want you guys to know that anytime it says an old chapter is updated I probably just made a minor edit to fix something that was bugging me. So no need to go back and re-read the chapter. If I ever make major changes (like re-writing or something) I'll post it here first.
          Your Obedient Servant,


Okay. Re-writing's going... fine, I guess. I mean, it's still trash, but it's my normal trash. Based on how things are going, I think the new chapter should be up tomorrow or the day after. But hey, how long have I been saying that for?
          Your Obedient Servant,


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Ugh damn I really suck. I really thought I would have chapter 5 up today but I was reading it over and it's trash??? Gotta re-write this shit :/
          Sorry bout that. Re-written version to be up in a few days I guess. God I feel awful.
          Your Obedient Servant,


Oh my gosh that is so sweet! Thank you so much!!


@TheNinthMember For your writing it's worth the wait


I have decided I'm going to stop putting the name of the narrator at the beginning of the chapter because I just realized I hate it. Will edit all currently posted chapters today. New chapter should be up by Friday (I hope). Love y'all. 
          Your Obedient Servant,