Draco: It's not fair Gryffindor won the house cup!
Ron: Shut up Malfoy! You can't always be the top!
Draco: *smirks* Sometimes I'm the bottom, ask harry.
Harry: *blushes way to hard*
Let me get this straight.
1.) Hedwig didn't die, she got injured and came back.
2.) Fred's 'death' was another prank
3.) Harry can still fucking speak parseltounge, fight me
Harry: teddy said a bad word today
*everyone looks at draco*
Draco: oh what, it’s always the fucking slytherin it’s always fucking malfoy when you mother-
Draco: oh.
draco: what are you doing?
draco: what are you doing?????
harry: really with the double text?
draco: you think I care about a double text?
draco: fuck you
draco: I'll quadruple text you
draco: buzz buzz it's me again bitch