
this message may be offensive
Fuckity fucking fuck shit


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I'm back. Kind of. I might quit. I've had my heart broken and my skin cut. Shit's getting bad. Oh Panic/FallOut/Linkin/Green/Queen, save me..


*eye roll* Tell Lance to Wattpad message me. My nook broke. Sibling broke it.


@TheOneWhoLives Queen can always save you. The Show Must Go On!


Ryan. Where are you? I'm worried about you. I honestly hope you're in the hospital again. It's better than the alternative.


@overdoseONreading I've missed you too. Fern Ditched. I have her number, though... Time to Troll.


My genderfluid friend just told me they sent a link to A Suicide Note to one of the people I have recently admired. 
          That leaves three people, it was sent by email, leaving two... people...
          I know who they sent it to... 
          Oh god, my wattpad's being deleted, along with all my web pages and emails.
          Thank's for following, bye!


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My two main thoughts as of lately: Sex and Suicide.
          It's weird, I know I will one day go under the knife, getting every off and out of me, a thing or two-not sure if it's a d**k, or d**k and b***s, do ba***s count as two things?- added.
          It's more weird to think there could be people, not discriminating genders here, that want that thing.
          I'm a greyish-asexual, with VERY strong attractions, just, never I wanted to take clothes off and stuff. Okay, it was getting there with one person, and RP doesn't count, but with that one person in real life, I couldn't. I was scared. We're really good friends; Didn't want to ruin that.
          Writing a new 'Love' story, just so yall's know.
          Now, it's classified as suicide, but it's different. I self harm, so what? I have no intentions of killing myself. It's different when you're just waiting for someone to kill you.
          Anyways, I might not be on for a few months, maybe longer. My parents are threating sending me to a residential facility, PM me and I can explain, or read 'A Suicide Note', my newest book. I think they're just sending me back to Children's. 
          Armstrong is gone by now, and Alex will likely be upset with my return, but, ehh. Whatever.
          My parents tried to shove medication down my throat tonight. More info on that if you want, PM me.