hey guys I'm alive. I just want to talk about my new favorite movie, the wild robot for a little bit without bothering anyone.
I think it is one of the best animated movies I have ever seen. I cried like 3 times (sobbing crying) while watching it. It is such a beautiful movie and it has such a beautiful message and omg I love it. I have been waiting since I first saw the trailer in theaters in June (I also cried during the trailer) and I was not disappointed.
I understand that it isn't like the book, I've only read a quarter of the book and it isn't like the book. I enjoy the book, but I feel like in the movie there is so much more depth. In a children's book, especially ones meant for children under 10, you can only write using simple words and simple sentences. It can't be some elaborate masterpiece because they won't understand. In a movie you can capture that feeling with music and lighting and they can see the characters face and their tone.
I haven't been able to really analyze this movie (I will when I either a) preorder it or b) when I get my parents to preorder it for me (I'm not waiting until january)) but omg there is a lot and I just love it so much.
!!Spoilers ahead!!
The way that Roz's voice softens and becomes more human and how her actions become less robotic as she raises brightbill shows how her overwritten code has made her more than she was supposed to be. Roz wasn't supposed to be able to feel, but she glows pink when she sees brightbill and Brightbill is able to make her remember even when they erased her memory and turned her off.
Being a mother is so much more than biology. So much more than if the child is biologically yours. Being a mother means sacrificing for your children, being there for your children and providing them with the love that they need. Love makes a mother, sacrifice makes a mother.
Rob isn't bright bill's biological mother, but she still is his mother. She raised him and she cared for him and she loves him.