I just finished No Dogs Allowed by @anasianamateur.
It's brilliant. I dropped it at first, owing to the long world-setting in the first chapter. But when the story started, I was hooked.
No Dogs Allowed is near the tippy-top for me! My heart was racing during their final matches.
i won't be able to forget this one!
I just finished No Dogs Allowed by @anasianamateur.
It's brilliant. I dropped it at first, owing to the long world-setting in the first chapter. But when the story started, I was hooked.
No Dogs Allowed is near the tippy-top for me! My heart was racing during their final matches.
i won't be able to forget this one!
@TheOnlyWayUp yes! authors get a notification when people add a book to their reading list! Aww - thank you - I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! It's made my day!