
Equal Rights=Equal Fights.


We have similar pfp


I just love the authors who get all pissy and angry when someone gives them a tip to improve their writing, like, if you don't take honest criticism, and helpful tips, you are the pure definition of a bafoon. Not only are you showing that you are a toxic person, you are insulting a person who was just trying to help improve the writing and/or narrative of the story. 
          I won't point fingers due to reasons, but this one author got pissy because someone left some criticism, and he flew off the rail and got asshurt. 
          Just take some helpful advice and criticism if you write, it's not hard. 


@TheOriginOfAll I'm willing to listen, but I'm having a massive authors block. No matter what when I started to write the ideas in my head dissappear and this has been dragged on for a year. I think maybe I should quit, but I still have hope that I'll continue. 


@aizathazim0 Sure, your work can be shitty, but that's where criticism and tips come in and help. If you follow them, eventually your work will improve. But only if an author is willing to branch off their original writing style and grow.


I don't about me. But, I know mine is pretty shitty and the only reason why it is doing good is because this is wattpad. 


So, you decided to be an ahole to me when I answered your question on the silhouette, and then delete the comments? I'm disappointed


@immaturedemolitions when one wakes up they don't really think before they speak, I realized what I said two hours after I woke up. I did feel shameful of my attitude but I had things to do so I couldn't apologize 


@TheOriginOfAll still doesn't explain why you where so rude


@immaturedemolitions I unpublished the book, I needed to make adjustments. If you read the title you'd know that I edited the silhouettes, I was curious if you guys would like to mess around with ship silhouettes I made for fun


*laughing in russian*


@TheOriginOfAll well, I don't care if you change your name, it's your choice. 


@aizathazim0 Lmao, I figured it would confuse people. So I changed it back


@Sovetskaya-Rossiya Bruh...
            When I saw this post in my notifications, I was confused because of this new name that I don't remember following, but when I scroll down in your message board I laughed to myself and it's you OriginofAll. 


Damn I've been dead for a bit huh? Sorry for my inactivity but life is a massive bitch, I've been tied up with school and my personal problems to the point I can't even get a new teaser or idea out. 
          Kinda pathetic huh? I can't even keep up with the idea book I started, I'll try and get an update out sometime soon I hope.
          Well this has been a little update on how I'm doing and the reason as to why my account had gone silent for a time, do forgive me for that to whoever actually bothers to read my stuff or stupid ideas.


@TheOriginOfAll dont know what to really say but I going through the phase as you right now