@writers2680 I'm ded, I replied to this wayyyy to late I'm so sorry, Uni has me literally ded nd life has me even more dead haha, didn't check my wattpad acc for such a long timmmee
I am well aware that it ahs been an exceptionally loooooooooooooong time since our last chat.
Just dropping by to remind you that I still remember you XD
Just to show that my memory is strong and all that *grins*
See you soon/ talk to you soon bud
@TheOriginal_JaneDoe Sure, I will.
Hearing what I've been up to may wipe of the last of those brains you have left, you ready? xD
Memorable? MeMoRaBle...
I'm not confirming anything *grins*
@writers2680 OMGGG ITS BEEN AGESSS AHAA I can't wait to hear from you! and hear about what you've been up to, pop a message when you're free :) and it could be that you have a great memory or it could be that im just very memorable, hmm I wonder which xddd