
Hey, all! Happy to share that I've made an Instagram account! You can follow @theoverzealousone for little writing excerpts, titbits, updates and more to come!


Hey, Everybody! TOO here. I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't been putting out ANY of the chapters that I promised! Well, that's because I just stopped writing for a while! But, I'm reaching out once again; it's been a while since Elemental came out, so that begs the question...
          Are you keen for another Elemental book?
          It's come to my attention that you guys really liked A Lumen Ripple, but that wrapped about 6 months ago, and I think that you guys deserve something new! I'm a little thin on inspiration, but if enough of you are keen, then by golly, I'll compromise and see what I've got for you!
          What do you think? Are you ready for another one??!


@UltimateGamerBR wait no longer! The first chapter is up!


@XoIlovepoppyXo well, wait no longer! First chapter is up!


@ConnorMickey well, I have good news... first chapter is up 


So, you the reader have spoken! But wait! The plot thickens!
          I'm just gonna do all 3 simultaneously and hope that one of them sticks! Lol!
          (Help me)


@TheOverzealousOne  watch me fumble all 3, too! 


@TheOverzealousOne You're definitely living up to your username by trying to do all 3 


Not sure what to do;
          A) get writer's block through my Elemental sequel "The Interelementals"
          B) get writer's block through my Cars book re-write "DTV'23"
          C) get an even worse writer's block through my original book
          Help! I can't decide.


Really just depends on whichever you want to do, but I suggest A :'D 


@ TheOverzealousOne  I'd say A, but whatever you feel like doing the most! 


A LumenRipple was absolute perfection. Just perfect. It's the best elemental fanfic across literally every platform I've found. Both the longest and well written. Can't wait for more!


@Shadowpsych my thoughts are similar. 


I definitely think that it would be fairly realistic for a few elementals to change their point of view. I like the "us against them" except gradually add a couple of elements to the "us" side.


TheOverzealousOne – Stories Ranked!! (Part 1)
          Given that my latest story, A Lumen Ripple, has wrapped, I thought now would be a wonderful time to look back on my journey as an aspiring writer. I’ve crafted some I’m proud of, and some… not so much. If you’ve read them all, thank you so much! Without further ado, let’s jump right in…
           #6 – “Just Kidding” (2023) – it’s essentially a short story I did in one sitting. The idea is really creative, but not much positive beyond that. Call it an honorable mention.
           #5 – “The Dash to Victory” (2021) – I’m not going to kid around; this one is pretty awful. It was my first foray into the world of fanfiction, and it was a rough start. Inconsistent writing, a wacky plot whole ridden story, wasted characters, and hollow arcs – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I will give it this; the light-heartedness and humor is charming, and it spawned characters I’m working on to this day. But, there’s a reason I’m re-writing it.
          (Part 2, see below)


TheOverzealousOne – Stories Ranked!! (Part 2)
           #4 – “The Demetrian Value” (2022) – honestly, for how soon after TDTV I started this, it’s a marked improvement. The characters are a bit more settled in, and the story is a bit more consistent – especially at the start and end. The new OCs are charming, the humour is enjoyable, and the emotional passages are awesome. However, the wackiness is a bit eccentric, it’s riddled with plot holes, and the extreme moments are far too extreme. I’m not very proud of how I portrayed some of the OC characters I created in this, either – Demetria, I’m looking at you. However, this is something I’m sure I will be rectifying soon enough.
           #3 – “The Principles of a Grand Hunt, Part 1” (2022) – or what I like to call “growing pains; the book”. Following TDV, I wanted to challenge myself to write a far more serious book. Like TDV after TDTV, this one was in pretty quick succession to its prequel. Principles 1 takes the emotional passages from TDV and really breathes life into them; some moments might even make you cry. The protagonists Dash and Demetria are actually quite well-written at times, and the side-characters actually do something for a change. However, there is one huge problem; it has character paralysis. There are far too many characters in this story to handle at times, and the juggling of perspectives can lead to confusion. And, the amount of rewrites – 10, to be exact, as well as probably 100+ chapter rewrites – made this one long, arduous project for me.
          (Part 3, see below)