Guys, we're not dead.
We're working on several big projects with The Parliament including: a frikin /anime/, rewriting the first book because it's crap and we all know it, Another World, The Parliament Handbook, we're working on getting some T-shirts and other things printed with the Praise The Parliament logo on them, we're working on our plot line and are trying to be more clear in the plot (the series is all over silly, but very serious and dark at the same time and we're working to get that point across). Also, on top of that, there are exactly only five people working on all of this (some more than others) because the rest of The Parliament consists of a bunch of lazy assholes. BUT, despite this, us five are trying our absolute hardest to get things done! In the meantime though, play our 2048 game while you wonderful people wait! It has our real faces in it! It's not the complete Parliament though, sorry... We have too many members.... So, anyways, please be patient with us because we are working our hardest on getting things done because The Parliament is a much larger deal than what you think it might be. So y'all be some good Narnians and always-