
So....Breathe! I might not be transgender, but a few of my friends are. And one of the saddest times I ever experiences with them, was when they notified online that schools were no longer supporting transgender students. I've fallen in love a variety of people. Women, men, hermaphrodites, and transgenders, and the one thing I've been taught is that those labels are the only difference. If you were to take those labels off, you can see that they're all human. I wrote this book to a great friend of mine. A guy that I love so very much, and that I will continue to encourage to pee inside the guy's restroom, to talk to the principal, to explain. For my amazing friend, who I will never show this to, thank you for crying with me when you heard the news about the schools, and thank you for trying your hardest to be yourself, even if you are in a different body. I hope all you readers enjoy Breathe! and learn that everyone is human no matter what.


So....Breathe! I might not be transgender, but a few of my friends are. And one of the saddest times I ever experiences with them, was when they notified online that schools were no longer supporting transgender students. I've fallen in love a variety of people. Women, men, hermaphrodites, and transgenders, and the one thing I've been taught is that those labels are the only difference. If you were to take those labels off, you can see that they're all human. I wrote this book to a great friend of mine. A guy that I love so very much, and that I will continue to encourage to pee inside the guy's restroom, to talk to the principal, to explain. For my amazing friend, who I will never show this to, thank you for crying with me when you heard the news about the schools, and thank you for trying your hardest to be yourself, even if you are in a different body. I hope all you readers enjoy Breathe! and learn that everyone is human no matter what.


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@nightcoredx Donut: HALLELUJAH! AFTER NINE MONTHS I FINALLY SEE GOKU @-@ cheesecake is grounded so I gotta show her later