
@JaceWaylandInMyHeart of course it's not to much to ask I love reading books are like crack to me I am a crack addict and you are offering me more crack «««geez shoulda found a better way to explain that ;-)


@JaceWaylandInMyHeart of course it's not to much to ask I love reading books are like crack to me I am a crack addict and you are offering me more crack «««geez shoulda found a better way to explain that ;-)


Hahahah!!!!!!! Crack! You're hilarious!!!! Well, thanks if you can :)
            And I guess I understand; you don't need to find another way to explain it ;) LOL


Hey Jules, if it's not too much to ask, could you check out my new story?
          It's called Like Partners In Crime.
          I hope you can; if you can't it's fine, but I'd appreciate it if you could :)
          Thx anyway 