
Guys I’m leaving. I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll be back eventually. I went through a breakup. I feel useless. I’ve had a lot of dark thoughts as of lately. I’ve been lying in bed most days not even feeling like getting up. I don’t feel like doing anything. It pains me—I want to write...but I can’t. So I’m leaving for the time being. I’m deleting this account. I’m going to leave it up for a few days for people to read this. And then I’m gone. Maybe I’ll publish these again one day. If I can find any meaning in life anyway.


Guys I’m leaving. I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll be back eventually. I went through a breakup. I feel useless. I’ve had a lot of dark thoughts as of lately. I’ve been lying in bed most days not even feeling like getting up. I don’t feel like doing anything. It pains me—I want to write...but I can’t. So I’m leaving for the time being. I’m deleting this account. I’m going to leave it up for a few days for people to read this. And then I’m gone. Maybe I’ll publish these again one day. If I can find any meaning in life anyway.


Guys I’m so so sorry for delays!! :(
          I was sick during most of my winter break and then I had pep band and then family came to visit. It’s been hectic. 
          Then I got my schedule for this semester. Unfortunately it pretty much has forced me to take two early classes. I have to get up early every morning just to get to campus, and then because I have to get up early, I’ve had to start going to bed early so I don’t sleep in class.
          The days I have free are Friday and the weekend. Except, I usually spend time with my boyfriend all day on Saturdays—so really I only have Friday and Sunday.
          So—I would like you all to know, no I’m not dead! Life has just dealt me a sh!t hand for now. I will be updating—I sincerely promise! I have some new ideas too. I’ll probably put the oneshots on hold JUST FOR NOW (except for my Jean and Marco x Reader shots because I need to update that one)! I promise I’ll write more of those later! I need to tend to my stories that have an ongoing plot—specifically the Speedwagon story. But don’t worry! Titan Tales will be next! And then stay tuned as I’ll try to drop the first chapter of a new idea that I have soon.
          I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. But I’m back in the game! Just sit tight!
          (Also would anyone be interested in a Discord channel so you can have updates on my stories? I’d do it on the message board but I feel after awhile that would become cluttered. I’d also maybe consider Tumblr...)


Oh jeez I also forgot to say! After Titan Tales, I’ll update She Will Be Loved next!


G o N n A  t A k E  m Y  h O r S e  T o  T h E  o L d  T o W n  R o A d


I  g O t  T h E  h O r S e S  i N  t H e  B a C k


            A n D  I m M a  R i D e  T i L l  I  c A n T  n O  m O r E


            Will do! I’ll start soon! Oh yeah—I heard the 4kids version sucked. I swear they ruin everything they touch—and while I love YuGiOh and Pokemon, they found places here and there to screw up (҂ `з´ ) Like jelly donuts?? Really?? Come on 4kids...


I apologize for not posting so much...I’ve been so busy. Classes started, band camp was last week and it drained me, and I was busier over the summer than I expected. I’ll try to write more soon. Oneshots for Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner will be at a complete stop for awhile—until I post the next chapters in Titan Tales, She Will Be Loved, Write Your Way Into Their Hearts, and the Speedwagon x Reader story. I feel I’ve neglected those.
          I have a few new stories I also want to work on...including another one-shot book...but honestly I need to prioritize. I feel bad for not writing in my books. Once I’m used to this first week, I’ll dig out my laptop again—promise. I have golfing class in like—an hour. Not looking forward to it in this heat.
          I’ve been debating maybe on a discord channel so I can post updates and stuff? I think it’d be better than a snapchat story (like I previously tried to do XD). I’ll post the link when I create it. Follow that for updates...or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Happy Pride Month!
          I forgot to say at the beginning of the month but better late than never. :3
          Expect more gay stuff from me this month than usual ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
          Be proud of yourself and stay true to yourself. And if you have to deal with unsupportive family this month...congratulations, I am now your family. Stay hydrated, eat your veggies, and support yourself. I am proud of you. Don’t you forget it. <3


Final’s week approaches!! You know what that means! :D
          YEAH STRESS!!
          Kidding. Only partially actually. Good luck to anyone else who has finals too. And expect more soon! I’ll finally be able to write again!!
          -Mouse <3


@My_VelvetRose  Just now saw your second comment. Thank you!! ^.^


@ThePrincessDiamond no you don'tㅡ you're going to do great ^ - ^


@My_VelvetRose Thank you so much—I’m going to need it (*^◡^*)