We just play Kahoot all day, and Mr.Larsson is pretty freaking chill--he practically gives us the answers on each kahoot so the test is really easy
We just play Kahoot all day, and Mr.Larsson is pretty freaking chill--he practically gives us the answers on each kahoot so the test is really easy
Freaking College sucks, people still bully me. Come on! I thought it was over in highschool!
But Kahoot is pretty fun, I DESTROYED everyone with the user; Tord.
Imma make sure he's a legend in that school
Trust me, it works well, u ignore them, which will make them mad or make them ignore u. If u insult them enough tho, theyll feel bad for themselves, so theyll stop
I have never wanted to die more in my entire life that at this one freaking point.
I thought yesterday was the 5th but in reality it was the 6th I'm crying like Jesus why was a born with such a terrible memory oh my god why.
Like what the frick-frack-tic-tac-back track-flick-flack-shack-Mack-Hackeysack was I thinking? Like Jesus I cat remember a single birthday wth is wrong with me.
Happy Late Birthday Tord...
Sorry if this notification bothers some important stuff but;
Where tf did my book Changes go? I was literally about to write a good chapter, and BLAM! I can't find it! Can't even see it in my books, or on my profile published thing. Tf m8, it's not even in my edited pile of junk. WHY TF IS THIS HAPPENING?! I HAVE SOME REALLY MESSED UP MEMORY AND NEEDED TO WRITE THAT DOWN MAN.
It's 2:25 AM in the airport. I just finished 2 entire cans of Monster energy drink to watch the luggage.
I regret my life choices because I can't hold my damned alcohol or caffeine.
Sleep well people...
But i sat on a swing that was spinning very very very very very fast, and my grandmas brother goes "Boy ur gonna love beer!"
It cracked me up XDXDXD, idk why im telling u tho
XD i feel sorry for u, i have a very strong stomach (idk if its strong enough for the taste and digesting of alcohol, ive only clean up an alcohol filled cabin(my uncles) because im too young to drink)
Thanks for the follow! A lot of people say this and it's starting to get cliché. The follows, votes, and comments encourage me to continue my rubbish stories even if I haven't updated on a while. I have crippling procrastination. :)