
Hi guys, 
          	Sorry for not being active lately. A lot has happened which is why I haven’t written a lot. I have had 3 deaths in my family which has drained me. My cousins bday was yesterday so that was also a lot for me to take in. I did successfully complete my first semester as a grad student with a very high gpa. So I am going in with an expectation to knock this semester out of the park hopefully.


Hi guys, 
          Sorry for not being active lately. A lot has happened which is why I haven’t written a lot. I have had 3 deaths in my family which has drained me. My cousins bday was yesterday so that was also a lot for me to take in. I did successfully complete my first semester as a grad student with a very high gpa. So I am going in with an expectation to knock this semester out of the park hopefully.


Hey everyone,
          I have some exciting news to share!!! I am now a COLLEGE GRADUATE!!! 
          "With what?"you might be wondering.... I have now graduate Undergrad with a Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and A Minor in Philosophy.
          Now from here I will be attending grad school in Virginia Beach  and obtaining my Masters in Divinity (the practical tools and knowledge  for one to become a pastor aor a minister of a church orginization.
           So yeah this  or these have been some of the best and trying events of my life that has been happening to me right now as we speak.
           Tomorrow and today and probably for the rest of the Christmas break I will be relaxing, and trying my best to do better with writing for you guys. 
          So please send  me love and hugs and kisses, and also I want to give a shout out to my internet (lover) friend lol Mr. @AllYellowJosh for being such an encouragement for me and to me as I became engaged with finishing up my undergrad career. Thank you so much my friend.


@ThePurplePrince It's a rather heterodoxy view among many Christians that, somewhere down the line (whether after the end times or at the moment of salvation or some other moment) that the metaphysical difference between God and Man will be overcome.


@sdparchem thank you so much. I’m not too familiar with Apotheosis, but give me some time to research it and i will get back to you on that :-)


@ThePurplePrince Congrats on your masters acceptance! I would love to hear your thoughts on Apotheosis!


Hey everyone,
          Sorry for the slow updates with some of my stories and in-activity of writing. I'm in the last stretch of my  undergrad year and need all my focus on my last papers and projects and exams. Also I don't know when I will update anymore I recently lost my flash drive that had EVERYTHING ON IT today, and now I have to start from scratch. Sadness and irritation to the highest level at this moment, so I'm praying and believing that it will show up and that whoever found it will return it before I graduate . So yeah this is what has been happening lately. Love you guys.
          As soon as I graduate I will try my hardest to be more active on here.
          Love you guys,
          The Purple Prince (TPP)


Hey guys.
          The Purple Prince here.
          I was wondering if you all could do me a favor and comment on some of my works. It would mean a lot to me if i could read and slightly feel what you guys were feeling while reading my books. 
          Pretty please?!?
          Love you all,
          The Purple Prince (TPP)


Hey guys after a few years of not writing anything and being busy with school and just resting. I have published a new book of poems (well more like finally updated and completed the second work of poems that i started and put on hiatus).
          Please check it out and comment??
          I’d love to hear what you guys think.
          Much love,
          ThePurplePrince (TPP)


Hey everyone 
          Sorry I have been MIA for a while but school has been most important on my mind. I do want to let you know that I finished my short story, finished my novel, and writing the short story sequel to the novel and also trying to finish my second book of poetry. Thank you for hanging in there with me.
          Love TPP (THE PURPLE PRINCE)