Hello RR (Radiant Royalty, if ya know)! How was your break so far? Mine was fine. I'm still working on chapter 4, and I already have ideas for the entire book. I also don't wanna rush this book, because then it wouldn't be as interesting as the other books, but I was thinking, should I make a book that I do rush? Nah. Well, anyways... enough about me -_-, how was your chirstmas and new years? I know I'm pretty late, by like, a long time, but I'd still like to know. I just woke up a few minutes ago though (or hours), so I hope you guys actually respond soon.... Also, I might be working on the chapters a bit slower now, because I have some other stuff to do on different things that I have to get finished by the school year, and also I have school, so that does duck, doesn't it? Also, thank you all of 31 followers! It might not seem like a lot, but I'm really happy about it! Heh.... soon maybe in the future I'll sat things like: Thank you for 200 followers! Remember when I would be happy about getting just 30 followers?... Honestly, I kinda just don't want that to happen. But please do follow me, I would really it appreciate it! Mega Ultra Super Appreciate!
Thank yu everyone again for 31 followers~ ^^