Confidentiality updated btw LMAO i forgot to like announce it </3
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Confidentiality updated btw LMAO i forgot to like announce it </3
Confidentiality updated btw LMAO i forgot to like announce it </3
am i finally updating confidentiality? yes. is it coming out at 12:00 EST? yes. ...that's actually all i had to say
birthday :D
WHY DID I NOT KNOW SUSAN WOJCICKI DIED?? i'm gonna feel like an actual villain writing her in emerald now jfc
@TheRandomPenguin OH MY GOD SHE DID!!!!??? My life is complete!!! But also seriously, either Roman didn't or will never find out in the ending of Magenta or it was otherwise left as a hinted on thing and my ass never caught on.
Me: I'm so glad Emerald is the only book I have to work on! Two Years: um? How to Solve Your Own Murder: girl?? Confidentiality: ... Me: ...ok fine.
@TheRandomPenguin Frr though. The amount of books I left on the wayside, published and unfinished for the world to see. But seriously Penguin, when you make quality work, don't be so hard on yourself.
TWO UPDATES IN TWO WEEKS RAHHHHHH <3 honestly do not know how I have to time as a music major
Holy Crap! I don't get on this account very often anymore. Imagine my surprise when I checked on it & realized you had updated. I'm pumped. I have about 5 stories I keep hoping for & this is one of them. Now... if I can get the time. When I do, I'm gonna start it over from the beginning - just binge read it. Thank You!
"damn, this story is pretty good! when was the last time it updated? HUH?? maybe i should ask the writer if they're planning on updating it." *sees it's my own story* "oh shit"
So what if I told y'all that a chapter of Emerald was gonna drop today at maybe idk random time uh 1:30 EST??
guys genuinely i think the problem is that i'm not really interested in Sanders Sides anymore?? Like it's been so long and I've moved on to other things. BUT I AM INTERESTED IN MY STORIES!! i had such banger plotlines that I wanted to do and I REALLY want to see it through. Lowkey tho some books that were intended to have a sequel might not get one
@TheRandomPenguin Sanders Sides aus pretty much died when Thomas stopped making new episodes. It slowed after quarantine, sure, but that wasn't what got it. I kept hoping, esp when Joan & Talyn visited, that he would get it going again. A 4-parter? Awesome. So, why didn't he release at least one of them?
@TheRandomPenguin it doesn't help that like the sander sides community feels dead rn
@TheRandomPenguin I felt this, like idk if it's just me but I use sander sides as a base for a bunch of different aus and half the time they aren't even in character anymore just have their names- and a b a s I c concept of their personality-
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Duration: 2 days