
When you're reading but your cat is too adorable to say no to.


Message for disabled students: Your accommodations, whether for a physical or a mental disability, are perfectly reasonable. You are not the problem. The problem is the school fighting your accommodations. You asking to be treated decently, not asking to be treated better than anyone else. Your school is legally and morally required to help you. 
          Love, a disabled high-schooler. 


Shout out to all people with ADHD and ADD who don't mind when there's the buzz of a large crowd but the moment one person is humming or making stupid noises, you can't concentrate and the sounds are overwhelmingly loud and annoying. Then when you ask them to stop, they act like you are asking them to murder someone and then they mock you. 


Yay, Happy late birthday to me. Now I gotta worry about school and I'm already exhausted because of lack of sleep. Now I gotta worry about the fact I'm still the same person as I was last school year but no one cares because apparently just being an age makes you more capable. If you're reading this, then you understand how I'm upset. Screw the school system. I got almost no life skills and was never encouraged by teachers to do anything, so I have a low self-esteem and almost panic the moment I think about school. I shouldn't have to worry about school or check the date to see how much time I can spend on each thing during summer. Again, screw the school system.


@RavenKittenChan miss you raven and happy later birthday. Hope to see you again. 


Bro sorry my service is off. Anyway do you know Chris's wattpad. 


It's nice to hear from you again, Chris!


If you don't "believe" in the less known sexual and romantic orientations or non-binary people and don't want to learn and see if it makes sense, unfollow me and let me know so I can mute you. I don't want to be associated with you. Thank you, and have a nice day.


@RavenKittenChan Max, you jerk! (Don't worry, I still love you)